Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Most Accessed Article: A Genome-wide Association Analysis in Four Populations Reveals Strong Genetic Heterogeneity For Birth Weight

A Genome-wide Association Analysis in Four Populations Reveals Strong Genetic Heterogeneity For Birth Weight
Tiane Luo, Xu Liu and Yuehua CuiPages 416-426 (11)

Low or high birth weight is one of the main causes for neonatal morbidity and mortality. They are also associated with adulthood chronic illness. Birth weight is a complex trait which is affected by baby’s genes, maternal environments as well as the complex interactions between them. To understand the genetic basis of birth weight, we reanalyzed a genome-wide association study data set which consists of four populations, namely Thai, Afro-Caribbean, European, and Hispanic population with regular linear models. In addition to fit the data with parametric linear models, we fitted the data with a nonparametric varying-coefficient model to identify variants that are nonlinearly modulated by mother’s condition to affect birth weight. For this purpose, we used baby’s cord glucose level as the mother’s environmental variable. At the 10-5 genome-wide threshold, we identified 33 SNP variants in the Thai population, 26 SNPs in the Afro-Caribbean population, 18 SNPs in the European population, and 7 SNPs in the Hispanic population. Some of the variants are significantly modulated by baby’s cord glucose level either linearly or nonlinearly, implying potential interactions between baby’s gene and mother’s glucose level to affect baby’s birth weight. There is no overlap between variants identified in the four populations, indicating strong genetic heterogeneity of birth weight between the four ethnic groups. The findings of this study provide insights into the genetic basis of birth weight and reveal its genetic heterogeneity.
Gene-environment interaction, Genetic association, Nonlinear modulation, Varying-coefficient model, Birth weight, Four population.
Division of Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi, 030001, P.R. China.
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Thursday, October 20, 2016

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

New Issue ::: Current Genomics 17, Issue 4

Current Genomics is a peer-reviewed journal that provides essential reading for academic, clinical, government and pharmaceutical scientists who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments in genome science and systems modeling.
Current Genomics publishes three types of peer-reviewed articles including:
  1. i) High-quality research papersreporting on new and original data generated at the genome scale level, including meta-analysis studies. Systems biology, molecular systems modeling, molecular evolution, developmental biology, aging research and human disease research are topics of particular interest. Position papers dealing with new or complex methodological approaches whether experimental or mathematical are greatly welcome in this section.
  2. ii) Authoritative and comprehensive reviewsfrom widely-recognized experts, covering all the latest and outstanding developments in genome science and computational/systems biology. Proposals for mini-hot topics (2-3 review papers) and full hot topics (6-8 review papers) are welcome in this section and they should not contain original data. Guest edited issues provide expert views on specific questions giving an extensive and comprehensive analysis of a specific field of activities in genomics. All aspects of genetic analysis and gene function will be covered, particularly in the growing areas of human genomics, functional genomics and next generation sequencing, molecular evolution, developmental biology, aging research and systems/statistical modeling.
iii) Opinion papers from internationally and widely recognized experts addressing contemporary questions and issues in the field of genome science and systems biology and basic and clinical research practices.

Articles from the journal Current Genomics, Volume 17, Issue 4:

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Highlighted article from the journal Current Genomics Vol 17 issue 4

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Recently Published Issue Of the Journal Current Genomics

Current Genomics is a peer-reviewed journal that provides essential reading for academic, clinical, government and pharmaceutical scientists who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments in genome science and systems modeling.
Current Genomics publishes three types of peer-reviewed articles including:
  1. i) High-qualityresearch papersreporting on new and original data generated at the genome scale level, including meta-analysis studies. Systems biology, molecular systems modeling, molecular evolution, developmental biology, aging research and human disease research are topics of particular interest. Position papers dealing with new or complex methodological approaches whether experimental or mathematical are greatly welcome in this section.
  2. ii) Authoritative and comprehensivereviewsfrom widely-recognized experts, covering all the latest and outstanding developments in genome science and computational/systems biology. Proposals for mini-hot topics (2-3 review papers) and full hot topics (6-8 review papers) are welcome in this section and they should not contain original data. Guest edited issues provide expert views on specific questions giving an extensive and comprehensive analysis of a specific field of activities in genomics. All aspects of genetic analysis and gene function will be covered, particularly in the growing areas of human genomics, functional genomics and next generation sequencing, molecular evolution, developmental biology, aging research and systems/statistical modeling.
iii) Opinion papers from internationally and widely recognized experts addressing contemporary questions and issues in the field of genome science and systems biology and basic and clinical research practices.
Following are the articles from the journal Current Genomics, 16 issue 1:
Author(s): Zhi-Ping Liu
Article: siRNA-directed DNA Methylation in Plants
Author(s): Meng Xie and Bin Yu
Article: Genes and Conditions Controlling Mammalian Pre- and Post-implantation Embryo Development
Author(s): G. Anifandis, C.I. Messini, K. Dafopoulos and I.E. Messinis

Author(s): John Castiblanco and Juan-Manuel Anaya
Author(s): Ryan G. Thys, Christine E. Lehman, Levi C. T. Pierce and Yuh-Hwa Wang
For details, please visit:
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High Impact Factor Journal:::Current Genomics

Current Genomics is a peer-reviewed journal that provides essential reading for academic, clinical, government and pharmaceutical scientists who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments in genome science and systems modeling.
Current Genomics publishes three types of peer-reviewed articles including:
i) High-quality research papers reporting on new and original data generated at the genome scale level, including meta-analysis studies. Systems biology, molecular systems modeling, molecular evolution, developmental biology, aging research and human disease research are topics of particular interest. Position papers dealing with new or complex methodological approaches whether experimental or mathematical are greatly welcome in this section.
ii) Authoritative and comprehensive reviews from widely-recognized experts, covering all the latest and outstanding developments in genome science and computational/systems biology. Proposals for mini-hot topics (2-3 review papers) and full hot topics (6-8 review papers) are welcome in this section and they should not contain original data. Guest edited issues provide expert views on specific questions giving an extensive and comprehensive analysis of a specific field of activities in genomics. All aspects of genetic analysis and gene function will be covered, particularly in the growing areas of human genomics, functional genomics and next generation sequencing, molecular evolution, developmental biology, aging research and systems/statistical modeling.
iii) Opinion papers from internationally and widely recognized experts addressing contemporary questions and issues in the field of genome science and systems biology and basic and clinical research practices.
mostopen ccesstrial request
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